Wow…it`s been a while!

Hey guys! I`m sorry  that it has been such a long time since I posted. I`m having a “me” day at Starbucks right now. And what better time to talk. I`ve been having one of those weeks where I am feeling very insecure and it seems like everything is against me. It is my girl time this week, which of course doesn`t help anything. I found out yesterday that my husband and I can`t buy a house this year like we planned due to him working for commission. I just feel like a lot has went the opposite way as I had planned. And I needed a break!

So I went to Starbucks. When I was in college, I would come here every morning to study before an exam. For whatever reason, I felt like it relaxed me and helped me to do well on my exams. I still use it as my “go to” when I`m having a bad day. I am currently reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Right now, my goal is to simply read and relax and clear my mind. Things go wrong all the time. Sometimes you can fix it and sometimes you can`t. That`s just life!

What do you do when you`re having a rough time in life?



2014 Resolutions

In my last post, I told you guys about the changes I had made in 2013. Unfortunately, I don’t have as many changes to make this year. But I do have some goals I would like to accomplish that I will include instead. Here goes my Resolutions!

1.) Brush my teeth twice a day. This is probably something that you were taught when you were little. However, it as slipped as I grew older. I need to get this into my nightly routine every night!

2.) Use reusable produce bags. I just ordered these from Amazon and will have to wait for them to arrive. I already have reusable sandwich bags that I love! We also use reusable grocery bags at the store. You would be surprised at the difference it makes when carrying them into our home. One more step in going green!

3.) Loose at least 10 more pounds. With that being said, I am not setting a goal to increase how often I work out. I just need to set my schedule again and stick with it. I started slacking around the holidays!

Now my goals for 2014.

1.) Move! We currently live in an apartment and we both hate it! We are hoping to be able to buy a house when our lease is up. But at minimum, we will be moving!

2.) Apply to grad school. I’ve started my application already, and I can’t promise that I will be accepted, but I need to finish it!

3.) Find another simple change to  make in my diet to help keep me healthy. I do not know what this change will be yet (feel free to give me suggestions!).

What were your resolutions for 2014??



Resolutions from 2013

Wow guys! It has been a while since I’ve posted. I went home for the week of Christmas to spend it with our families. We drove about 1,500 miles!! And we decided to do it straight through…no hotel! Lets just say that it was a bit crazy! We made it back yesterday morning and I’m on load 8 of laundry. UGH! With that being said, it’s the day before New Years Eve. I think it’s time to reflect back on the New Year Resolutions that were made for 2013. Let’s see how they turned out. To help remind me, I saved mine in my phone. However, I’ve changed phones and now have to go by memory.

1.) Talk to my brother more

2.) Eat less fast food

3.) Use lotion daily

4.) Eat more healthy

5.) Take vitamins daily

6.) No more soda

Seems like an okay list right? Well lets see how well I did

1.) I started to call my brother every week. This worked well for the first month and a half. Then he stopped answering my calls. The communication kinda stopped then. However, he was in a car accident in October and I made phone calls daily for about a week to check in with him. We communicated a little more after this because he helped me plan our surprise arrival (we came in a day early and surprised both of our parents!). This did not turn out as well as I had hoped. I will be putting this on my resolutions again for next year, but try to only call him every 2 weeks instead.

2.) When I made my list last year, I was working two jobs. For anyone who knows me, that was a usual in my life. With that being said, I was eating fast food on a regular basis for either breakfast or dinner. As a whole, I have cut back. On a normal week, I eat fast food about once a week. I’m a little burnt out on fast food from traveling though! I call this resolution a success!

3.) When the new year started, this occurred every day! By summer, I didn’t feel like my skin was as dry and cut back. As winter started approaching again, I started using more lotion again. It’s not daily anymore, but it is multiple times each week. This one is a success in my book as well!

4.) So I have changed my diet this year. Is it as healthy as it should be? No. But it’s much better than it was a year ago. I substitute turkey burger for ground hamburger in every recipe. There are a few turkey substitutions that I can’t stand (turkey pepperoni, turkey bacon, and turkey hamburger patties) but as a whole, I can’t tell the difference in most meals. I increased the amount of vegetables that we were eating. I switched to whole grain pasta. I’m still looking for more little changes to make in our diet, but this was a success so far!

5.) It took me a while to get in the habit of taking vitamins each day. But once I got my routine down, it was a breeze! Resolution = success!

6.) This one was one of the more difficult ones when I started. When we did get fast food, that seemed to be all they had to drink. I don’t like tea. So I switched to lemonade. I would also buy a drink on a regular basis before going into work. I’ve since stopped that habit and switched to water at work. When I go out to eat with my husband, it’s always water (or alcohol). Fast food lunches with friends is still lemonade. I have had a little soda in mixed drinks throughout the year, but I try not to do that either. Mountain Dew still tempts me on a regular basis. But this was a success!

How did you do on your New Year Resolutions from 2013? Are there any that you want to try again? Did you try to personalize your resolutions with changes you can actually accomplish? Let me know!

