2014 Resolutions

In my last post, I told you guys about the changes I had made in 2013. Unfortunately, I don’t have as many changes to make this year. But I do have some goals I would like to accomplish that I will include instead. Here goes my Resolutions!

1.) Brush my teeth twice a day. This is probably something that you were taught when you were little. However, it as slipped as I grew older. I need to get this into my nightly routine every night!

2.) Use reusable produce bags. I just ordered these from Amazon and will have to wait for them to arrive. I already have reusable sandwich bags that I love! We also use reusable grocery bags at the store. You would be surprised at the difference it makes when carrying them into our home. One more step in going green!

3.) Loose at least 10 more pounds. With that being said, I am not setting a goal to increase how often I work out. I just need to set my schedule again and stick with it. I started slacking around the holidays!

Now my goals for 2014.

1.) Move! We currently live in an apartment and we both hate it! We are hoping to be able to buy a house when our lease is up. But at minimum, we will be moving!

2.) Apply to grad school. I’ve started my application already, and I can’t promise that I will be accepted, but I need to finish it!

3.) Find another simple change to  make in my diet to help keep me healthy. I do not know what this change will be yet (feel free to give me suggestions!).

What were your resolutions for 2014??



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